About us
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Main activities
Unified Register of Accounts
Register of old foreign currency saving
Register of agricultural holdings
Register of financial statements
Register of public enterprises
Register of Business Entities
Unified Register of Accounts
Register of old foreign currency saving
Register of agricultural holdings
Register of financial statements
Register of public enterprises
Register of Business Entities
Useful links
Republic of Srpska Securities Commission
Monet broker
Tax administration of Republic of Srpska
Government of Republic of Srpska
„ZEPTER BROKER" a.d. Banja Luka
Banja Luka Stock Exchange
Indirect Taxation Authority of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Srpska
Central Registry of Securities
Register of agricultural holdings
Register of agricultural holdings
Published: 22 May 2014
Register of agricultural holdings
he Law about Catering
Set of forms for registration of rural households and service providers in apartments, houses and rooms for rent
Rulebook on the method, implementation, formal and legal, arithmetic and logical control of the financial statements submitted in a single register and the manner and deadlines for correction of errors in the checked the financial statements
Regulation on registration of rural households and providers of catering services in apartments, holiday homes and rooms for rent
Ministry of Trade and Tourism - Instruction
Law on Amendments to the Law on Agriculture
Law about unique Register account
Law about the unique register of financial statements of Republic of Srpska
Forms for registration of agricultural property
Decree on Amendments to the Regulations on registration in the register of agricultural property
Most read
One-stop shop of business registration
Regulations about classification of family farms
Uspostavljen Jedinstveni registar računa (JRR)
New Guidelines for the Unified Register of Accounts
BIFIDEX (Business and Financial Data Exchange)
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