Register of financial statements (RFI) was established by adoption of the single register of financial statements of RS (Sluzbeni Glasnik RS 74/10), which is based on APIF mandatory and is authorized to establish andl ed by the Registry. Obligation to surrender in the Register of financial statements prescribed by Article 22 of the Law on Accounting and Auditing  Republic of Srpska (Sluzbeni Glasnik RS 36/09 and 52/11).

For submission of annual and semiannual financial statements, the Minister of Finance shall issue an order to surrender them. A warrant for the surrender of half-yearly financialr eport for the period 01.januar-June 30,2012th. You can download it from site.

Registry data is public, with out proof of legal interest. The public data from the Registry does not apply to information whose secrecy is regulated by special laws andr egulations.

Terms and method of access to data from the Register defined by the Ordinance on conditions and manner of authorized access and usage reports and documents from the register of financial statements (Sluzbeni Glasnik RS 32/11). Data are availablei n several ways:
- Individual reports via the Internet(one-time or at an agreed time period),
- The whole database or its part,
- Print information from the Registry(signed or unsigned)
- Photo-copy of the original data, with the seal ofthe Agency.

Payment for access and using data from the Registry is defined by the Decisionon remuneration within the scope of the Agency.

Detailed information on the above interested parties can get on the phone 051/217-443, or mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..